Clothes for Change

As a company, we feel like it's our calling to inspire conversations in our community and change in our spheres of influence. There is nothing glamorous or easy about this, but this is where the real work gets done. It might be more comfortable to shout from behind your keyboard at those you disagree with, but that is not how hearts and minds are won. That's not how problems are solved (how can you solve a problem if you don't take the time to listen for it). These one sided conversations don't move the needle.

So here at RtR, we encourage everyone one of you, find those folks on the other side of the aisle, or with different religious beliefs, or different social backgrounds and sit down, crack a beer, listen and talk. At the end of the day, we may all realize, we're a lot closer on a lot of things, rather than divided.

So let's Clothes that Divide, Unite and Repo the Republic.