The Divide

United we stand. A notion so far beyond where we currently stand as a country. Cities burning, censorship and intolerance from those who don't agree, scandal and fraud overshadowing the freedoms we fight for. Yet here we sit, distracted by phones, social media and a virus that is being used to paralyze our communities, businesses and freedoms. We've allowed ourselves to be repossessed; taken over. 

Despite blatant violations of our liberties and freedoms, we sit back, maybe complain on social media, yet do we rise up? Do we organize our friends, networks and family? Do we have a mission or a game plan? Each of us has our own sphere of influence, providing access to our neighborhoods, churches, friends, coworkers and other groups, some of whom may not agree, yet what do we do? How can we organize as a team, a country, a United unit to affect change, locally and outside of our sphere of influence? How can we Unite a broken country and Take It Back and Repo the Republic?

The answer may simple, yet difficult at the same time. We need to INSPIRE those around us, LISTEN to them and develop TRUST. Without those three simple ingredients, change will be hard to achieve.